
Daily Driving the Android Auto Screen

In a previous article (or maybe one in the future, idk), I describe how we picked out an android auto screen and set it up on my dad’s car.

Thoughts so far in no particular order:

  • mount is not the most secure thing in the world, so a little wobby
    • maybe due to not using stock mount?
  • front camera is pretty useless, I’m not entirely sure what it’s supposed to do
  • yet to see how the backup camera performs, that’s another project that I suppose will be pretty hard
  • aux cable is a bit annoying
  • the bootup time is reasonable, and the auto connect is pretty fast
  • the auto sync is good
  • both the aux and the FM audio transfer works, but the FM seems to have some noise in our testing, just a faint buzz in the background, so we just used the aux
    • the built in speakers also work, but not really even worth the mention because of the HORRIBLE quality (not sure why I put this in then)
  • For $60, not half bad (no complaints)
  • screen resolution is not the best, but kinda to be expected at this price point
  • screen is pretty big
  • auto connects pretty well
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